Saturday, August 15, 2009

Photo of Erika Jackson

For booking information and contact information for Erika Jackson, email

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Opportunity Chooses the Prepared!

Matthew 25 begins with the parable of the wise and unwise virgins. It's the story of 10 young ladies hoping to be chosen as brides. Five had lamps with oil in them, and five had lamps with oil and extra oil on the side. While they were waiting, rather than going to get extra oil for themselves, the five virgins with no extra oil slept along with the five who had extra oil. When the bridegroom (opportunity) came, the unprepared virgins wanted the prepared virgins to share their extra oil (help them get ready). Of course, the prepared virgins didn't want to miss their opportunity, so they refused to help the unprepared virgins. They were there, ready when the opportunity presented itself, so the opportunity (bridegroom) chose them to enter the celebration. It's as simple as that. Opportunity chooses the prepared!

Get to know Coach Erika Jackson at Erika Jackson Dot Com.

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